Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Marseille, France

Long train rides aren't so bad when you meet a cool dude from Reunion (island off the east side of Madagascar) and end up drinking for the whole trip. After 8 and a half hours on the train I made it to Marseille to meet up with Brad. Ended up partying until 6am or so and slept until 3pm. Day two was designed for a hangover, a rainy, mellow day that is. The next day the sun showed its face and we headed for les calanques de Marseille. Once we got down to the coast we trekked it due east. It turns out that as you go that way you end up seeing a lot of naked French people getting there tan on. After a while we found a good place to post up and enjoyed the weather and the view. Two interesting things happened while we were relaxing. The apple core Brad threw into the Mediterranean an hour before made its way in the current to our resting location and out of nowhere a seagull did a dive bomb and snatched it up. Secondly, while we were chilling, some random naked dude came out of the woodwork and had to pass by us on his way through. Where we were sitting made it hard for passerby's to easily make in by. The naked dude did a huge spread of the legs as he climbed the rock in front of us and just kind of posed there for a good 30 seconds. I tried, I mean really tried to keep my cool, but I couldn't help it, it was hilarious and I ended up cracking up.  The rest of the France trip continues in the Casis, France blog. Pictures of Marseille and the calanques below...


  1. What is France good for if you're not getting a good peep show in there somewhere! Too funny..
