Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Greece/Turkey: Istanbul

We got into Istanbul early as hell in the morning. It was a long 10 hour bus ride from Greece. For some reason we thought it would be a good idea to drink monsters and stay up through the entire ride. It wasn't to bad though, there was a stop every 2 hours or so. Either way, so we got into Istanbul. I had thought it would be kind of like Morocco, but it wasn't at all. There are 12 millions inhabitants in Istanbul. the city was lively all the time. Over the next few days we journeyed around the city. It was a relaxing trip. The last day we took a boat to the Asian part of Istanbul and hung out on an island fro a few hours.

Just arriving in Istanbul

 Baklava, way good

 The main road where we stayed

 360 view of the city from some tower

 Mosqueing it

 En route to Asia