Saturday, October 27, 2012

A Promising Winter

It's official, my body is filled with energy. The first snow has fallen today and the thought of snowboarding is my immediate reaction. Over the weekend Tuebingen is supposed to be graced with 2-4 inches of snow, and this is only the beginning. I have to go and shred the gnar. Next stop Austria, when the snow get's a little better.

Friday, October 12, 2012


Amsterdam for 3 nights. The coffee wasn't bad.

So I was sitting outside of the hostel on a bench drinking a beer and some coffee. Two bicycle cops came up to me and started asking questions. Apparently I wasn't supposed to drink there. I was so used to Germany where you can drink anywhere, I figured it was the same. They ran my passport through the system and then left, no big deal. Amsterdam was fun, my hostel was near the red light district so I did a few laps here and there to check out the stock. It was cool how there are canals everywhere, literally...everywhere. 

This was the end of my adventure, something soon I hope.